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Only love can see that which is hidden: we are invited to this wisdom of the heart that never separates love of God from the love towards others, particularly towards the Face of the Crucified Lord in the poor and the least of our brothers and sisters.

 - St. Augustine -

Prayer Requests

God bless you!

Dear friends of our convent,


We are grateful that you have taken the time to visit our website. Your support for our contemplative missionary apostolate in the Church through the online collection is greatly appreciated.

We thank you for your donation. Rest assured that we pray for you, your loved ones and your intentions day and night before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

- The Adoration Sisters of the Trinity Convent - Bad Driburg


You can donate by bank transfer:

Bank für Kirche und Caritas
IBAN: DE26 4726 0307 0014 5904 03

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